19Nov 6, 2014
Albatrosses are one of the most inspiring of marine creatures, gliding effortlessly on huge broad wings across the oceans. They have the longest wingspan of any bird. Perhaps we humans envy them, just a bit, for their apparent freedom to fly across the oceans anywhere that takes their fancy, only returning to land every two […]
20Nov 4, 2011
Blogger: Campaign Manager for the Saddleback (tieke), Jackson James Wood
21Nov 4, 2011
Blogger: Campaign Manager for the kakapo and Forest & Bird’s fundraiser, Jolene Molloy Kakapos. They may not sing as hauntingly as the kokako or be as brightly coloured as the kakariki or swoop as majestically as the kaka but I think the kakapo is most deserving of crowning title of Bird of the Year. They’re […]
22Nov 1, 2011
Blogger: Campaign team for the little spotted kiwi, Huapai District School, Rodney, Auckland Please note: unlike the kiwi, this video is a little quiet, so please turn up the volume!
23Sep 23, 2010
Blogger: Campaign Manager for the kokako & co-leader of the Green Party, Russel Norman Why vote for just a bird when you can have a new national park as well? That’s right. As a politician, I can promise you a new Giant Totara National Park to go along with your support for the hauntingly beautiful […]
24Sep 16, 2010
Blogger: Campaign Manager for the Rock-Wren, Craig McKenzie Like its cousin the rifleman, the rock wren has a plucky personality that defies its golf-ball like size. It’s like the jack-russell of birds. It’s a curious design for a bird. It’s got two over-sized feet, a rotund body and no tail.
25Sep 16, 2010
Blogger: Morepork campaign manager and comedian, Jerome Chandrahasen If you are still asking yourself who to vote for in Forest and Bird Bird of the Year poll, stop asking ‘Who? Who?’, vote Ruru. “The Morepork is the true kiwi battler. Intelligent, hardworking, honest, noble” Morepork campaign manager Jerome Chandrahasen said today. “It is the only […]
26Sep 15, 2010
Blogger: Campaign Manager for the Black Fronted Dotteral and Lower North Island Field Officer, Aalbert Rebergen. Last year I championed an obnoxious, loud-mouthed arriviste – the Spur Winged Plover – in the Bird of the Year poll and came, well, bottom of the pops. In what one might consider to be a foolishy reckless move, […]
27Sep 15, 2010
Blogger: Campaign manager for the Kakapo – Hon Kate Wilkinson, Minister of Conservation The kakapo is an amazing bird. It has colour, character and a cheeky disposition that is completely irresistible. I have been fortunate in having had the opportunity to visit the home of the kakapo on Whenua Hou (Codfish Island) as well as […]