Sep 29, 2016
Richard Hursthouse is chair of North Shore Branch of Forest & Bird and Centennial Park Bush Society. He is passionate about raising awareness of pest plant issues. A slow train wreck has been unfolding across the country for decades while politicians sit on their hands. New Zealand has a major and rapidly worsening issue with […]
May 13, 2016
Which weeds do we need to remove at the moment? Why do we need to worry about them? And what is the best way to get rid of them? Welcome to the first in a series of blogs about some of the worst weeds in our backyards by Richard Hursthouse, Chair of Forest & Bird’s North […]
3Jan 8, 2014
For the past few years, many city dwellers have been vigorously flying the flag for “Predator-free New Zealand” while, ironically, a scourge of pests have been running wild at their feet. Yes, in urban New Zealand, our pests are having a field day. Throughout New Zealand there is no nationwide council-led effort to build on […]