28Oct 15, 2015
My name is George Hobson. I love birds, and am the campaign manager for the amazing pohowera (banded dotterel) in this year’s Bird Of The Year competition. I am really really enjoying this awesome role! I’m a twelve year old “bird nerd”, so I love anything to do with birds AT ALL! I do many other “birdy” things, like […]
29Sep 24, 2015
It’s nearly that time of year again! Forest & Bird’s annual Bird of the Year competition will kick off on October the 5th, so get ready to vote for your favourite bird. Over 50 birds will fight it out to be crowned our Bird of the Year. This year it’s about more than glory as […]
30Sep 9, 2015
The Rehearsal stars James Rolleston of Boy and The Dark Horse and is based on Man Booker prize winner Eleanor Catton’s first novel. Extras are needed for the final scene of the movie to be filmed in Auckland on Sunday 20 September from midday until around 8pm (a maximum of eight hours). Times will be […]
31Jul 23, 2015
Don’s message came through on Friday – “If we can get from Mt Somers quick smart, and don’t linger in the field too much, we should be able to squeeze in the count in before the southerly arrives. Then we can sit in Neville’s bach, scoff some hot soup and watch the snow come down, safe in […]
32Jul 20, 2015
When the South Auckland branch of Forest and Bird heard that local developers were planning to pipe over 4kms of Puhinui Stream tributaries for a commercial development, they knew something needed to be done. The Puhinui Stream is home to many native fish including banded kokopu and crans bully, as well as long and short-finned […]
33Jun 19, 2015
It’s not just about alliterating the title if you want to hold a successful KCC event apparently – although that certainly helps. It’s also about uncovering natural adventures on your doorstep and coming up with great ideas – something our passionate KCC Co-ordinators are very good at. Oh and the absolute awe, fascination and fabulous […]
34May 14, 2015
Many people think of hedgehogs as the cute, harmless creatures they see in British children’s story books. But in New Zealand, they’re known pests that are lethal to native wildlife. Last night, on Campbell Live, we met the founders of Hedgehog Rescue New Zealand. They take in sick or injured hedgehogs and rehabilitate them before returning them to the wild. The […]
35Mar 13, 2015
Hana (10 years old) asks: I am researching Kiwi adaptations for homework. We have to come up with some questions about them and then find the answers. One of my questions was: were kiwis always flightless – if not, what was the benefit of losing the ability to fly? The internet didn’t have the answers […]
36Mar 3, 2015
Mike Creed asks: Two Tui have been visiting our feeder over the past couple of days. They are very noticeable because of their unusually fluffy collar feathers. Are these old birds? Do the collar feathers normally develop like that? They seem to be a couple. Any info would be appreciated! Colin Miskelly from Te Papa says: These do […]